About Manor Garage

Richard Chapman is the proprietor of Manor Garage, Wantage, and was trained as an apprentice in engineering at Cowley Motor Works. He then worked in Product Control, serving at Cowley from 1978 - 1989. During this time, as an MG enthusiast, he enjoyed restoring MGs as a hobby, initially from home in 1982 where he continued doing so for the next ten years, before deciding to take the big step of voluntary redundancy so he could open his own restoration and repair business, specialising in classic cars.
Manor Garage started life at Manor Farm, Wantage in 1992, before moving to Elm Farm Business Park in 2005, where the business has been located ever since. Manor Garage is an approved MG Car Club, MG Owners Club and Triumph TR Club garage and restoration centre.
Richard believes in putting something back into the community and so he sponsors Newbury MG Owners Club, Grove Challenger Football Club and MG Car Club, Abingdon Works. For example he contributes towards the cost of the Newbury MG Owners Club's regular magazine.
Meanwhile he is working on restoring yet another MG of his own, but clients' cars always take precedence, and if only there were more hours in each day he might have time to finish his own car. Well, one day.